Sunday, August 21, 2011

Night time in Paris

Our first night in Paris. We had a great meal overlooking the exterior of the Notre Dame. Amazing view, amazing food, and an amazing companion.

So what to do next? We decided to walk around Paris and check out the city at night. Shalie and I had a bunch of energy in us and so did the city.

 We stumbled upon the courtyard of the Louvre and a carnival next to the gardens of Champ Elysses.

 Paris also had a temporary beach set up on the river situated in the heart of the Latin Quarters. We strolled the beach and took in the local fare.

This even included watching a Parisian fishing in the Siene and catching a cocking gun. Ooh Paris such a beautiful city.

We walked around the city so much we built up another appetite. Where do you go for late night eats in Paris…McDonalds of course! I had a tasty Royal with Cheese. That is a Quarter Pounder for you folks back home who aren't using the metric system. If you are still confused please go watch Pulp Fiction.
I have been mandated to scrip two blogs tonight. One down. I will catch you in a couple of hours folks.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My ‘Rush-Hour French’ CD didn’t teach me enough…

Awe, Paris – the city of lights!
With no real plans and no true priorities – we boarded the train expecting to arrive in the City around 4pm.

Good thing our travel agent told us that our train passes weren't available on all trains – oh wait, she didn't. I thought we were going to be thrown off…. In the middle of nowhere… I guess they don't do that, but it did end up costing us.

Our hotel was lovely – right across from the Pantheon, a great staff (I call them the Hommes Hommies) and an exercise-ful walk to everywhere (ie. not close to anything, but not far enough to justify a taxi anywhere – I would like to thank my travel agent for my 3-day leg workout… they haven't looked this good since my address was 1433 Tennessee).

If you don't know what the Pantheon is – you aren't alone. I slept 100 ft from it, toured it and took several pictures…. And I still don't know what it is.

Favorite experience of the trip so far – probably Tuesday's dinner. Recommended by the Hommes Hommies – O fil de'l O is located on a small boat on the back side of Notre Dame. No, unfortunately, we did not see the back side of Quasimodo – I've heard the French are known for their (or maybe it's because they are) backsides.

What we did see (but not for long) was an AWESOME dinner! This is one of the only times that Jeremy has "won" the tasting battle…. And his dinner was cooked in a mason jar.


Friday, August 19, 2011

Swiss Roller Coasters and Pretzel Dogs Galore

After an evening of Jonker-style Eucher (see picture at right – it's charli at her best), it was time for another glorious night on le sofa-bed. I must say, IKEA has done a good job of making very minimally-invasive pieces semi-comfortable! But, we had a big day on Monday, and needed to rest up!

On Monday, we were 'bach'ing-it (in the wise words of Greg – referring to the lack of a mom/wife present) – so what do we do? We climb Mt. Utliberg! I don't know if you can see this in the picture, but I am wearing sandals, giving away the fact that this wasn't the most strenuous of climbs….

Regardless, Utliberg sits high about Zurich, allowing a beautiful view of the city and lake. Most of the climb is done by train, but there are some pretty awesome hiking/biking/running trails once you get to the top. There is also an observatory, Jeremy is estimating to have 100 stairs. I would like to think there was more like 1,000 – it was scary.

Post-climb, we found the "roller coasters" which aren't nearly as exciting as my face might suggest…. But something I would have tried to recreate in my backyard as a child.


After our adventure – we got to check out Jessica and Chris' new place. An awesome condo in the "bucktown" of Zurich. And then a gourmet lunch – PRETZELDOGS! Yes, my dog (on the left) is a much bigger dog…. The pretzel man knew I was famished.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lucerne in the Sky with Diamonds

Nothing like traveling half way around the world to paddle your girlfriend and sister around one of the most beautiful lakes in the world. When your brother-in-law says "I have a great idea" should run the other direction.

We walked around the city and stopped to consume some Movenpicken...which is the local ice cream monopoly. Charli was a trooper and was for the most part a fun travel companion.

Two days down....13 more to go. I am having a great time.

2011 Zurich Street Parade

So, we called ahead - and they threw us a party. I guess, "When in Zurich... Party with one million friends."

And by friends, I mean weirdos.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Taking the Zzzzz's out of Zurich

Zurich, 7 hours ahead and an 11 hour plane ride from Dallas, makes for a long day of travel. We flew out of Dallas at 10:30am destined for Newark. In Newark, we drank a sufficient amout - I thought atleast enough to help me sleep through the next leg of the trip.

Instead, I watched the sun go down...
I kept Jeremy awake long enough to play for a little while....

I watched the sun come up....
And I landed in Zurich, 8am, no sleep, no breakfast, ready to roll

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Worst Timing

How could it be? I'm heading back to a great school, about to quit my summer "internship" and here I find myself envying another job?

I want it. An analyst position at WDW? How awesome would that be? Maybe they'll be looking for another one when I'm done.....

Monday, July 18, 2011

Micro Tripping

Ever done something repeatedly, thinking it was unique, and then realized there are other people who do this too? And there's even a name for 'it'? Like that crazy aunt who always had something wrong - "Hypochondriac". Or that guy who loves to clean, keeps all the doors shut and can't sit down to eat a meal until the dishes are done - "OCD".

Apparently, my love of spontaneous short trips is not unique - or even uncommon. It is called "Micro Tripping"

Most commonly characterized as young, flexible and social media or tech savvy,  this new wave of traveler is helping to fill unoccupied hotel space. Transactions are typically driven by "flash sales" or a push marketing mechanism, allowing consumers to enjoy 35+% discounts while retailers promote to consumers who have never stayed at the property. What is neat about marketing to these "micro trippers" is the ability to actually create demand, rather than only targeting customers who were looking to travel anyway or vying to take market share from competitors.

My favorite part of the scenario -  the target market. Young, Flexible and tech savvy - the perfect guest to help boost your Yelp! or Trip Adviser rating. These guests are used to sharing their opinions about accommodations, understand the "value" of checking-in and you've already won their hearts with the 35+% off! This would be a great opportunity for a new property or little-known boutique to get into the online game.

(Because of Sunday Funday, I've been micro tripping with my imagination all day.... )  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

You can blog in a train, you can blog in a plane!

Currently on American airlines flight 1933, heading west to Las Vegas. American airlines- America's new low cost carrier.... I only paid $100 for my flight, but they suckered me into paying $8 for gogo inflight wireless. Pathetic.

Best part of my flight the American Way article on Barcelona!
Sagrada Familia basilica is my absolute must-see trip requirement. This place, which started construction in the 1800's, is only half done! With three distinct facades, the catholic church is a thing of beauty and looks like it should be located in the happiest place on earth (Disney world, ofcourse).

Until I get to see this basilica thing- I guess Ceasar's Palace will do. We're staying at the MGM and attempting to get into the pool clubs. I wonder if I remembered my swim suit..... Packing at 4am maybe wasn't the best idea.

Disclaimer- I really dislike AA for personal reasons and will be flying a different carrier back to DFW tomorrow evening.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tripomatic feature - Ironically Handy

Ironic only because its day 2 of the dalieshalie and I need to start planning the sight-seeing details of our trip - this thing is pretty cool. was featured in an article today by TechCruch, describing the business plan and potential revenue opportunities for the trip-planner and itinerary manager.  Built by an entreprenuer and his wife based in Czech Republic, Tripomatic brings all the qualities of a travel agent into your living room. I have admittedly only spent 20 minutes on the site (the site launched June 8), but I think the location-based interface is really inspiring.

The company currently only offers trip planning at select European destinations, but promises to add additional cities soon.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Not all those who wander are lost - JRR Tolken

And so it begins...  planning for the next adventure! I Love It!
This time, to celebrate summer and take a break before heading to school, and for Jeremy to turn off his blackberry (atleast that is my plan for him). 
Check out the itinerary below, From Zurich to Madrid!